Reflection 1 - Service to God
Good morning; may the Lord be with you.
(Response) And also with you.
1 Samuel, chapter 12, verse 24 says that we should,
“Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you”.
Service is a key Christian Value here at St Michael’s. Christians choose to follow God and serve him, in response to all the wonderful things he has done for us.
- How can we ‘consider what great things God has done for us?’
- What do you think ‘fear the Lord’ means?
- How can we be serving God as we do our homework / play games with our friends?
Prayer 1
Lord God,
we are sorry for all the times we forget how wonderful you are, and all that you have done for us.
We pray that you would help us to serve you fully, doing everything as if we are doing it for you, as we live our lives in service to you. Amen.
Reflection 2 - Service to the Community
Good morning; may the Lord be with you.
(Response) And also with you.
In what ways do you serve your local community?
There are all sorts of methods of serving in the community, for example: helping with local organisations, being kind to other people or making sure to keep your area neat and tidy?
In Galatians, chapter 5, verse 3 we are told
“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for evil, but through love to serve one another”.
- How might you make more of an impact in serving your local community?
- How could you encourage others to serve?
- What difference could you make?
Prayer Day 2
Father God,
We pray for our communities, and for all the people who live and work in them. We ask that you would show us, how to be the best citizens we can, serving others and through that serving you.
We pray that we might be a blessing to others. Amen.
Reflection 3 - Service in School
Good morning; may the Lord be with you.
(Response) And also with you.
- In which ways do you serve in school?
This can mean lots of things to lots of different people.
School council, Prefects, Drama, Music, Subject councils, Peer Mentors and loads more are just a few of the ways people can serve at St Michael’s.
You can also serve simply in the way you act.
In 1 Peter, chapter 4, verse 9, Peter writes,
“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling”.
In this sense, hospitality means welcoming and accepting people, as well as how we treat each other.
- How could you be kinder and more hospitable to people in our school, “without grumbling”?
Prayer 3
Father God,
We pray you would show us how best to serve our School.
Show us how to get along with each and every person in our community. We are sorry for the times when we do wrong things, and don’t serve our School. We pray you would forgive us. Amen.