At St Michael’s, prayer is an integral part of our life in school,
and something in which we can all choose to participate.

School Prayer

O Lord our heavenly Father,

We pray for our whole school community at St. Michael’s.

We thank you for the uniqueness of each person who works and learns here.

May this school be a place of fulfilment, of hope and of wholeness for each one of us.

We ask that you would be with us day by day in our life together.

Help us to do our best and to care for each other,

so that all who come here might see the Kingdom of God in action in this school.


A Prayer for The Blackburn Diocesan 2026 Vision
Heavenly Father, we embrace your call for us to make disciples, to be witnesses and to grow leaders.
Give us eyes to see your vision, ears to hear the prompting of Your Spirit and courage
to follow in the footsteps of your Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.