Wider Curricular activities

All pupils are encouraged to get actively involved in school life as it is a fantastic way to work as a team and make new friends. Joining clubs is also a great opportunity to really experience the wider life of school, to become more fully involved in the life of our Christian community and it is part of the way in which we strive to educate the ‘whole child’ in body, mind and spirit. It is also a key part of the personal development provision at St Michael’s.

Wider curricular activities are run voluntarily by various staff and the days for these do change, sometimes on a weekly basis. Pupils should listen to announcements by tutors for any alterations or cancellations and speak to the member of staff organising the activity to discover when and where they are running.

The PE department run seasonal sporting activities and pupils should regularly check the PE noticeboard for weekly practices. Matches and fixtures do mean these change each week. These practices are also sent out to parents / carers via Synergy on a Friday afternoon for the following week.

As the clubs are at the discretion of staff, activities may be cancelled but where this occurs, teachers will offer suggestions as to how pupils can contact parents, if necessary.

The following clubs are available at St Michael’s at times throughout the year. They are open to both boys and girls, unless specified. Some are only offered to certain year groups.

Year 7 Wider Curricular Activities September 2024

Whole School Wider Curricular Activities September 2024

These are the clubs which will run in 2024-25





Archbishops’ Young Leaders Award  Simon 

Armstrong Choir 

Mrs Brotherton

Art Club 

Mrs Freer 


PE staff 


PE staff 


Mr White / Music Council


PE staff 

Bible Study

Mr Neville

Big Choir 

Mr White 

Chapel Choir (Hughes) 

Mr White 

Computer Club 

Mr Hooley 


PE staff 

Crochet Club “Off the Hook” Miss Williams

Cross Country 

PE staff 

Cyber Explorers

Miss Williams

Dance Academies 

Mrs Burgess / Mrs Walsh 

Debate Club 

Mrs Ferguson / Mrs Smith

Discovery Club 


Drama Clubs 

Miss Forrest / Drama Council

Duke of Edinburgh 

Miss Curtis 




PE staff 

Football News Club

Mr Shah

Gaming Club 

Mr Cree / Mr Leadbeater 

Geography Club

Miss O’Malley


Mrs Brunsden 


PE staff 

History Club

Mr Egelnick


PE staff 

Holocaust Project

Mr Egelnick

Indoor Athletics 

PE staff 

Instrumental lessons 

Mr White 


External (see Mr Hooley) 

MFL Film Club 

Mrs Cattell 

Minecraft Club

Mr Nelson

Music Theory 

Mr White 


PE staff 

Play Reading Club

Miss Forrest

Rock / Pop Band

Mr Banks / Mr Hurley


PE staff 

School Council 


Shakespeare for Schools

Performing Arts staff

Social Action Team



Miss McLachlan

Steel Pans

Mr White / Music Council

STEM Club 

Miss Callander 


Mr White / Music Council


PE staff 

Table Tennis 

PE staff 


PE staff 

Textiles Club

Mrs Burrow

Wellbeing Clubs

Mrs Monaghan / Mrs Yates

Worship Band 

Mr Banks 

Science Club 

Mrs Blair 




Wider curricular activity


(please note – Sports practices are advertised on the noticeboard in the PE department and these change regularly. They are also sent to parents / carers on Friday via Synergy. Pupils should check the notice board on a Friday in the PE department each week.)

Sports Clubs

Open to all pupils - no experience necessary. In some sports, teams are selected and the teams play in matches in the region and county. Some sports clubs are seasonal and pupils will be informed when they are running. Please see PE staff for details and check the sports notice board (next to the gym) every Friday for club information – this is also sent home on Synergy each week.

Bands / wind band / brass band / strings / steel pans

All organised by Mr White. Music teachers will inform pupils of when these are and whether prior experience is necessary.

Big Choir

Open to everyone. Singing songs and medleys of popular music and musical theatre.

Rock / Pop Band

Guitar, bass, keyboard and drumkit players along with vocalists of all year groups are welcome to take part in creating performances of rock and pop songs. If you do not play one of these instruments but would like to learn, please speak to your music teacher.

Worship Band

This is for pupils who play an instrument or sing and who would like to be involved in playing religious rock music. This band performs frequently in services and worships.

Armstrong Choir

This is a choir for pupils in Years 7-9 who enjoy singing. The choir will be involved in the larger school services at Christmas and Easter as well as various worships during the year.

Instrumental lessons

Music staff will explain these to pupils. Pupils can start a new instrument in Year 7. Music lessons have a cost.

Music Theory lessons

For pupils who play an instrument wishing to extend their musical knowledge. Pupils approaching Grade 6 instrumental exams will need a pass in Grade 5 theory.

Cyber Explorers

For pupils in Years 7-9 who want to explore the world of cybersecurity. You will complete a series of challenges and missions through an online cyber city.

Dance Academies

Dance Academies are open to all and are held on various lunchtimes.

Drama Club

Drama Club is open to all years on different days.

Play Reading Club

Any pupils interested in reading a play together and practising acting, oracy and intonation skills should come along to this club.

Geography Club

A club for all pupils who enjoy their geography lessons and are interested in all things geographical and environmental.

History Club

A club for all pupils who enjoy learning about History.

Gaming Club

Open to all. Pupils play a variety of tabletop and board games. Run by Mr Leadbeater and Mr Cree.

Science Club

Open to all. Pupils who have an interest in practical Science can come and do experiments and learn more about the world! Science Club is going to start later this year.

Discovery Club

The school Christian Youth Group. Run by Simon, our Christian Youth Worker.

Computer Club

For pupils with an interest in advanced computer programming. Open to all years.

MFL Film Club

Films with English subtitles –open to all. Films are in either German or French.

Holocaust Project

Pupils in 2023-24 had the opportunity to work on a project with academics at University College London as part of our Holocaust Beacon School Award. We are hoping this will be available again to pupils this year. Mr Egelnick will inform pupils of how and when they can be involved.

Bible Study

This is a club for pupils with a particular interest in learning more and having a deeper understanding about the messages of the Bible. Only open to upper school.

Archbishops’ Young Leaders Award

This is open to Year 8 pupils. Pupils take part in a variety of community projects culminating in them achieving the Archbishop of York Award. More information will be shared by our Christian Youth Worker Simon.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award

All pupils in Year 9 complete the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award as part of their Curriculum Enrichment programme. There is a cost to this programme.

Debate Club

Pupils meet to discuss current and topical issues and learn debating techniques. Pupils in upper school can take part in the Youth Speaks competition.


Simon will inform pupils of when the Fairtrade Cafes run in 2023-24 and how pupils can be involved.

Social Action Team

Simon will inform pupils about these meetings. Pupils who are interested in joining the team should speak to Simon.


School has a Go-Kart Club that meets weekly and attends national competitions. It is run by an external group. If pupils are interested in joining they should speak to Mr Hooley.


Only open to Year 8. Pupils take part in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) activities and competitions.

Off the Hook

Open to all. For pupils who want to learn how to crochet or improve their technique. A great way to get talking to new people! (Pupils will need to bring a crochet hook).

Minecraft Club

Pupils will be set Minecraft problems - these allow pupils to create incredibly complex and sophisticated buildings, which contributes towards their critical, creative and lateral thinking. Popular club – pupils must inform their tutors if they wish to attend.

Wellbeing Club

A club where pupils take part in activities aimed at supporting physical and mental wellbeing. There are separate clubs for Years 7-9 and Years 10-11.

Spanish Club

A club for pupils who fancy learning a new language not taught in the curriculum. Currently open to years 8 and 9.

Shakespeare for Schools Festival

This is held biennially and will take place in 2024-25. Pupils will be informed of how to audition and there will also be Dance and Music involvement.

School Production

We have a whole school musical production biennially. The next school production will take place in 2025-26. Information will be shared at the end of the academic year 2024-25.

School Council

School Council is made up of elected representatives from each tutorial and meet to discuss current events and raise issues in school. It is led by the Pupil Leaders.

Art Club

For pupils interested in Art. Due to this club’s popularity pupils must sign up by Wednesday 11th September, on the sheet outside T1

Textiles Club

This will start for Year 7 on October 2 and run for 6 weeks until 21 November. Year 7 pupils will be informed about this nearer the time.

Football News Club

This is a new club open to Year 7 only. Pupils with a passion for both football and writing can come along and write about all the football news.